
Public Defender Presents 2023 Parliamentary Report at Parliament’s Plenary Session

On June 25, 2024, the Public Defender of Georgia presented the 2023 Annual Report on the Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms in Georgia at the plenary session of the Parliament of Georgia.

The 386-page report covers about 30 areas of human rights protection and reflects key findings, recommendations and trends of 2023.

Among the topics reviewed in the report are: the rights situation of conflict-affected population, right to life, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, right to a fair trial, right to privacy, rights of human rights defenders, freedom of expression, information, assembly, property rights, freedom of belief and religion, rights to environmental protection, health, work, social security, proper housing, rights of persons with disabilities, children, older people, right to equality and gender equality, rights situation of national minorities, displaced persons, eco-migrants, asylum seekers and internationally protected persons, and issues of human rights education.

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