
Public Defender's Statement on Femicide

The Public Defender of Georgia expresses deep sorrow over the murder of four women in Georgia in May. These horrific acts of violence not only take away our children, mothers and sisters, but also undermine the values of safety, respect and equality that we strive to uphold.

The Public Defender of Georgia unequivocally condemns violence. Femicide is the most serious form of gender-based violence and a violation of the right to life. Each incident is a stark reminder of the pervasive challenges women face every day.

In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again, we must step up our efforts by strengthening the legal framework, ensuring consistent enforcement of existing laws and provision of support services to the survivors of violence.

As a result of monitoring the cases of femicide, it is clear that the discriminatory views on the role of women in society still remain the basic cause of femicide. In response, in order to promote gender equality, it is necessary for the State to implement complex and comprehensive measures, relating to education, economic empowerment and fight against harmful stereotypes. Men and boys must also be engaged as allies in this effort, and they should recognize their role in fostering a culture of respect and equality.

The Public Defender’s Office constantly monitors cases of gender-based violence, closely cooperates with relevant institutions and will continue policies that promote gender equality and protect women's rights.

Along with other challenges in the country, women's rights to life, health and safety should not be overlooked. Therefore, we call on the Georgian Government to implement systemic, consistent measures and strict policies towards persons who commit violence against women and domestic violence.

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