
Public Defender Meets with Head of Armenian Diocese of Georgia

Public Defender Levan Ioseliani and Deputy Public Defender Irine Chikhladze met with the head of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia, Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtian.

The traditions of tolerant culture and the centuries-old peaceful coexistence of Georgian citizens of different religious denominations were discussed at the meeting. Archimandrite Kirakos reviewed the cultural and educational activities of the Armenian Church of Georgia.

Levan Ioseliani emphasized the need for a legislative change to give the non-Orthodox population the right to enjoy holidays to celebrate their religious holy days.

Another topic of discussion was the issue of disputed churches confiscated from the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church of Georgia during the Sovietization period, which the Public Defender’s Office has been referring to in the parliamentary reports for years.

The parties expressed readiness for cooperation between the institutions.

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