
Public Defender Starts Examination of Alleged Discriminatory Treatment Based on Disability

Based on reports spread via social networks, the Public Defender’s Office started to study alleged discriminatory treatment by the Arena sports complex on the grounds of disability.

As it became known, a person with disabilities was refused entry to the pool of the Arena 1complex and the parent was explained that children without disabilities were using the pool Arena 1 and only the pool Arena 2 was designated for children with disabilities, which was closed due to renovation.

Unfortunately, the grounds for discrimination of persons with disabilities is mostly the strong stigma and stereotypical attitude existing in Georgia regarding persons with disabilities, including children, as well as barriers to access to services and environment. It should be noted that promoting the integration of children with disabilities into society from an early age is necessary in order to protect their rights and fully integrate them into public life.

In addition, in many cases, participation in sports activities has the function of rehabilitation for children with disabilities and is important for ensuring their development under equal conditions.

The Public Defender, within the scope of the powers defined by the Law on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, studies the mentioned case on his own initiative and will additionally inform the public about the results of the study.

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