
Public Defender Echoes Incitement to Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities

The Public Defender of Georgia echoes the stigmatizing statements made in the public space [by one of the politicians], in which a person with disabilities [politician] was mentioned in a humiliating context due to his disability, which causes serious concern. Similar statements violate the fundamental principles of the protection of human dignity, incite discrimination and polarize society.

Discrimination against persons with disabilities remains a significant challenge. Persons with disabilities are often the target of stigma, unequal treatment and hate speech, making it difficult for them to fully integrate into society. Such expressions not only deepen social inequality, but also prevent taking positive steps aimed at establishing the principles of equality.

The Public Defender once again calls on politicians and public figures not to allow persons with disabilities to be placed in unequal conditions and to refrain from humiliating and insulting statements.

The Public Defender’s Office continues to supervise the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and is ready to actively engage in the study of all the issues related to the cases of discrimination in order to ensure the creation of a fair and equal environment in Georgia.

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