Partnership Program between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Office of the Public Defender of Georgia
USAID-PDO Partnership Program
Programm (Activity) Purpose:
The purpose of the Activity is to (1) strengthen PDO's internal capacity to provide more effective oversight of human rights protections in Georgia (2) strengthen PDO’s internal management processes and institutional capacities, and (3) improve PDO's strategic communications with diverse actors.
Objective 1: Strengthened internal capacity to do more effective oversight of human rights protection in Georgia.
This Objective will support the PDO to deliver its mandate as an oversight body by strengthening its systems, methodologies, and processes as well as increasing its investment in specific work streams that have strong potential to shape the behavior of agencies and private sector actors. The expected results are cross-cutting across all of PDO’s portfolio, but PDO may choose to focus on specific populations or types of rights violations in its activities.
Expected Results:
1.1: Prevention of rights violations is prioritized within PDO
1.2: PDO’s ability to respond to human rights violations is enhanced
Objective 2: Strengthened internal management processes and institutional capacities.
With over 150 staff and 10 offices addressing all types of human rights issues across seven different mandates, the management challenges for the PDO are significant. This Objective will focus on consistent internal management and capacities across the institution, enabling PDO staff from across the organization to have the knowledge, skills, and systems to do their jobs effectively and to be publicly accountable for performance.
Expected Results:
2.1: Management tools and systems are institutionalized to ensure that the PDO can consistently deliver a high quality, impartial performance
2.2: Staff development processes are strengthened and institutionalized
2.3: Public transparency and accountability of PDO performance is increased
Objective 3: Improved strategic communications with diverse audiences.
While the PDO receives a large number of complaints per year and has relatively high visibility within the country via media, referrals, and outreach, it recognizes the need to improve its strategic communications to reach new audiences, make its information easier to access and understand, and improve efficiency within its own organization. This Objective will focus on both internal and external communications, building the skills, relationships, and capacities so the PDO can effectively communicate about what it does and about human rights more generally. Given the limited human and financial resources within the PDO, this Objective will also focus on using communications strategically by focusing on identifying and investing in a specific set of communications priorities.
Expected Results:
3.1: PDO staff at all levels are able to more effectively communicate with external audiences
3.2: External stakeholders better understand PDO’s functions and human rights concepts
Contact person:
Coordinator: Tamta Papuashvili