
Meeting with Representatives of NGOs of Kakheti Region

On February 11, 2020, Deputy Public Defender Ekaterine Skhiladze met with representatives of civil sector of the Kakheti region and received information about the human rights situation, problems and challenges of the region. The meeting was also attended by Teimuraz Koridze, Head of the Eastern Georgia Regional Division of the Public Defender’s Office and other employees of the Office.

‘It is very important that the Public Defender received information from the very persons, whose daily life and activities are aimed at solving these problems’, Elaterine Skhiladze said at the end of the meeting.

Low involvement of citizens in the planning of budget or local self-governance were named as the major problem at the meeting. The situation of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, including the Roma community, was also discussed at the meeting. Other topics of discussion were equality issues, as well as domestic violence and early marriage, which represent widespread problems across Georgia, including the Kakheti region.

Social problems of the population, infrastructural problems – water supply and roads, poor situation of medical facilities of schools and kindergartens were also discussed at the meeting.

The Public Defender’ Office continues to cooperate with civil sector and to advocate the problems identified at similar meetings at the local self- government level.

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