
Public Defender Visits Prisoners at VivaMedi Clinic

On June 24, 2024, Public Defender Levan Ioseliani visited prisoners at the VivaMedi clinic, including the 3rd President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.

According to the Public Defender, based on his competence and taking into account the patient's rights, he cannot talk about Saakashvili's health condition, although it is obvious that the former President's condition has improved much compared to the previous visit.

Mikheil Saakashvili thanked the Public Defender's Office, which has been monitoring his health for several years. Levan Ioseliani confirmed that the Office would continue to monitor his health within the scope of its mandate.

According to Levan Ioseliani, at this stage, up to 10 prisoners are undergoing treatment at VivaMedi and none of them has expressed any dissatisfaction with the methods or quality of treatment.

The Public Defender emphasized the problem of delaying the process of determining the medical needs of prisoners in penitentiary institutions and transferring them to the medical institution on time.

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