
Public Defender’s Representatives Participate in 28th Annual Conference and General Assembly of ENOC

On September 19-20, 2024, the Deputy Public Defender of Georgia, Irine Chikhladze, and the acting Head of the Department of Children's Rights of the Public Defender’s Office, Lika Gvinjilia, participated in the 28th Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC).

This year, the main theme of the conference was: “Protecting and Promoting the Rights of Children in Alternative Care”. It was emphasized at the event that the states needed to implement appropriate measures in order to create a safe, supportive, child-friendly environment focused on full development of children in alternative care.

Within the framework of the General Assembly, the network members adopted the 2024 position document of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, which outlines recommendations aimed at improving the rights situation of children in alternative care.

The mission of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC) is to protect children’ rights through capacity building, experience sharing, advocacy and mutual support of network members and stakeholders.

The membership of the ENOC network is very important for the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia and the Office continues to actively cooperate with the network.

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