
Public Defender's Statement on Road Accident in Nakhiduri

We express our deep sorrow over the tragic road accident that occurred in Nakhiduri yesterday, which resulted in the deaths of two minors. We offer our sympathy to the families and friends of the deceased at this difficult time.

This tragic incident once again highlights the important challenges facing our society, such as the rule of law, equality and road safety.

Every child has the fundamental right to live in a safe environment, which includes access to safe roads and public spaces. We call on the relevant authorities to prioritize the implementation and enforcement of road safety measures, including the installation of appropriate road signs andspeed limits and organization of public awareness campaigns, in order to prevent similar tragedies.

It is important that the media exercise extreme caution when covering the ongoing tragedy, and refrain from spreading unverified information and hate speech.

The Public Defender will continue to actively monitor the incident.

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