
Petition regarding Development of UN Convention on the Rights of Older People

The Public Defender of Georgia appeals to organizations operating in Georgia and individual citizens to sign a petition (see the Georgian version of the petition) calling on the governments of UN member states to start developing the UN Convention on the Rights of Older People. The petition was developed by the organization - Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People, which unites more than 400 organizations working on the rights of older people around the world. Civil organizations, as well as national human rights institutions and citizens can sign the petition.

The Public Defender’s Office of Georgia actively monitors the protection of the rights of older persons and the effective implementation of the rights of older persons by the State in practice. In the annual parliamentary report, the Public Defender of Georgia devotes a separate chapter to the rights situation of older people, and also closely cooperates with international and regional organizations in order to share best practices and experiences.

The global pandemic made more visible the obstacles to the enjoyment of rights by older persons, as well as institutional problems, and proved the need to strengthen the international legal framework.

The Public Defender of Georgia supports the advocacy process of the Convention on the Rights of Older People, as he believes that the new international binding instrument will be an important and powerful mechanism for the protection and promotion of the rights of older persons.

See the Amnesty International's video "The Forgotten Convention" - about the need to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of Older People, with Georgian subtitles

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