
Public Defender’s Proposal on Raising Awareness about Inclusive Education

On October 10, 2017, the Public Defender of Georgia addressed the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia with a proposal to raise awareness aboutinclusive education.

The study of the cases at the Public Defender’s Office showed that that improper response to problems in the field of inclusive education is caused by law awareness of the parties involved in the process about the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as about their own duties and functions, which ultimately affects the inclusive educational process. It was also revealed that parents and the persons interested in inclusive education are not properly trained; no measures are taken for raising their awareness in this direction.

The Public Defender urged the Ministry of Education and Science to ensure training of teachers and other staff of inclusive educational establishments (administration, other personnel); train the personnel of non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities of the municipalities in close cooperation with local self-government bodies about the rights of persons with disabilities; provide awareness-raising campaigns in the area of inclusive education and ensure maximal involvement of persons with disabilities, organizations working on their issues and parents of children with disabilities in it.

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