
Training of Human Rights Academy of Public Defender on Collecting and Analyzing Statistical Data on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

On December 12-14, 2017, the Human Rights Academy of the Public Defender of Georgia held training for the employees of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, City Court and High Council of Justice in the city of Telavi. The theme of the training was: "Collecting and analyzing statistical data on violence against women and domestic violence".

The training was aimed to raise awareness interms of collecting and analyzing statistical data on violence against women and domestic violence, discuss the current situation of Georgia and share international experience.

Participants of the training were introduced to the international regulationsfor gender-based violence, data collection methodology, characteristics of the statistical system of justice, importance of analyzing court decisions, obligation of the state to collect statistics on violence against women and domestic violence, current situation and other issues.

The training was led by international expert Maria Giuseppina Muratore, expert Ana Arganashvili and theHead of the Department of Gender Equality of the Public Defender's Office, Ana Iluridze.

The training was held with the financial support of UN Women.

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