
Conference on Elimination of Violence against Women

Deputy Public Defender Ekaterine Skhiladze attended a Conference on Complex Approach to Elimination of Violence against Women in Belgrade, Serbia, on November 25, 2016.

In her speech, the Deputy Public Defender gave an overview of the state services for victims of violence, as well as the results of monitoring of shelters and hotline, examination of individual applications concerning domestic violence, assessment of protective/restraining orders and monitoring of killing of women. Ekaterine Skhiladze emphasized the challenges and progress in the field of gender equality in Georgia.

The conference was attended by representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions. The participants shared their experiences and held a discussion on the challenges in the field of prohibition of violence against women.

The event was organized by the Public Defender's Office of Serbia and the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality of the National Assembly with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

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