Amicus Curiae

Opinion of the Friend of the Court on Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence

On August 29, 2024, the Public Defender of Georgia applied to the Constitutional Court of Georgia with the opinion of the friend of the court (Amicus Curiae) regarding the evaluation of the constitutionality of the Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence.

According to the opinion of the friend of the court, separating a certain group of organizations and giving them a new status by the regulations established by the Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence leads to stigmatization of organizations due to foreign funding and hinders their activities.

The opinion of the friend of the court reviews the possibility of the broad interpretation of the regulations established by the law and the existing monitoring mechanism, including in the part of access to personal data. According to the opinion of the friend of the court, imposing new requirements may create an excessive organizational burden on organizations and their staff, which may significantly impede their ability to effectively carry out their core activities.

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