
Recommendation regarding Violation of Right to Access to Public Information

The Public Defender of Georgia issued a recommendation to the Borjomi City Hall regarding the violation of the right of the online platform Georgian News, in particular the right of access to public information.

In addition to the legislative regulations related to the realization of the right of access to public information, the Public Defender also focused on the status of Georgian News – an entity interested in receiving public information, and emphasized that for media representatives, as persons performing the function of public watchdogs, information gathering is an integral part of their activities. The groundless obstacles created for media representatives regarding access to public information are not only a restriction of the right of access to public information, but also a restriction of media freedom.

Accordingly, on October 7, 2024, the Public Defender of Georgia addressed the Borjomi City Hall with a recommendation to instruct the person responsible for ensuring access to public information and proactive publication of information to provide the Georgian News with the requested public information.

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