Ongoing Projects

UN Joint Program for Gender Equality (UNJP)

Project Title: UN Joint Program for Gender Equality (UNJP) (third phase)

Source of finance: UN Women

Project status: ongoing

Project duration: 1/07/2022 - 31/12/2026
Project goal:Creating an enabling environment for gender equality and women's empowerment.

Project activities:

To support monitoring, evaluation and quality control of VAWG/DV specialized services and prevention and response tools in line with the international standards and best practices;

  • To ensure better representation of these target groups in the Public Defender’s annual report on human rights situation in Georgia;
  • To prepare a special report on the human rights situation of women engaged in prostitution in Georgia and analyze the existing legislative and policy frameworks against international standards and best practices;
  • Preparing annual "Femicide Monitoring" reports for the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025;
  • Monitoring shelters for victims of domestic violence and trafficking;
  • To assess the work of coordinators working at MIA and Prosecutor's Office;
  • To develop monitoring report on service centers (shelters) for victims of violence against women, domestic violence and trafficking
  • Follow up implementation of PDO's recommendations related to GE, VAW, GBV, DV, LGBTIQ and other related topics

Contact persons:

Sophio Rusetski, Head of the Gender Department

Irine Chikhladze, Deputy Public Defender

Woking Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00–18:00
Hot line: 1481 (24/7)