Public Defender Establishes Sexual Harassment of Quarantined Woman by Doctor

On June 29, 2020, the Public Defender of Georgia established sexual harassment committed by a doctor against a woman in quarantine. The Public Defender started to examine the case on her own initiative on March 30, 2020, while later the Safari organization (non-commercial legal entity) got involved in the case as a representative of the applicant.

According to the circumstances of the case, the doctor, who had signed a contract with the Social Services Agency LEPL, committed unwanted sexual actions against the applicant.

Based on the case materials, questioning of the parties and third parties, including doctors, and the responses received from the relevant agencies, the Public Defender concluded that all three forms of sexual harassment was evident in the case - verbal, nonverbal and physical conduct, which created a humiliating and abusive environment for the applicant.

Based on the above, the Public Defender addressed the doctor with a recommendation on the establishment of sexual harassment. She also called on the Social Service Agency and the Ministry of Health to take into account the risks of sexual harassment and provide information on the inadmissibility of sexual harassment to the doctors they have signed contracts with.

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