
Statement of the Public Defender regarding a Tragedy in Kobuleti

The Public Defender expresses his deep sadness regarding tragic death of three children as a result of a fire in hotel “Armazi” in Kobuleti and offers his condolences to families of those deceased.

According to the disseminated information, an investigation has been launched under the second part of the article 187 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (Damaging or destruction of other’s object that through negligence has caused a person’s death or has given rise to any other grave consequence). The Public Defender believes that it is necessary to conduct a prompt, effective and comprehensive investigation into the above fact. Need to conduct an investigation under the part 3 of the article 243 of the Criminal Code of Georgia that refers to violation of the rule on fire safety or violation of any other rule on dealing therewith, that could have caused a person’s death or any other grave consequence, might possibly be identified there.

The state policies, in the first place, should be aimed at averting tragedies; and, of course, only post-factum responses are not enough.

Such sad facts once again remind us all how important proper operation of fire safety systems in the country is, that it is the issue that concerns life and health of people. It is important for the state to adequately realize responsibility and take very erasures at its disposal to prevent emergency situations, including through implementation of control over fulfillment of fire safety requirements.

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