
Public Defender Calls on Parliament not to Override Veto on Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence

Speaking at the session of the Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Public Defender Levan Ioseliani called on the Parliament of Georgia not to override the veto that the President put on the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence.

"The adoption of the law in this form has already caused significant damage to this process as a whole, therefore, today it is still possible for the Parliament to refuse to override the veto at tomorrow's session, thus creating a space for making relevant changes to other legislative acts.

There has been tension in the country for almost 2 months now. This law has supporters and opponents, but special responsibility always rests with the Government. Often, retreating can be a sign of strength rather than weakness. I urge you not to override the President’s veto at tomorrow's session," said Levan Ioseliani.

The Public Defender considers the goal of the law - to establish a higher standard regarding the transparency of funds received from foreign countries - to be legitimate, although it is possible to make changes to the existing legislation to achieve this goal. Therefore, he called on the Parliament to understand this situation and create a discussion space and opportunity to work on the law.

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