
Public Defender's December Information Bulletin

The Public Defender of Georgia has presented the December information bulletin, which is focused on the International Human Rights Day celebrated by the UN Human Rights High Commissioner's decision in the entire civilized world on December 10. However, the Public Defender's Office dedicated a whole week to this day. The bulletin offers information about the activities of the Public Defender and his Office, including presentation of special reports, information campaign, public lectures, meetings with different groups of the society and the award ceremony of the Me-Ombudsman competition.

The document provides information about the Public Defender's public statements on the important events ongoing in the country; recommendations, proposals, general proposals and amicus curiae briefs; international visits and internal meetings of the Public Defender and his Deputies, which enabled the Public Defender to once again identify the problems of special importance that need to be urgently solved.

The important part of the December bulletin is devoted to the successful cases, such as consideration of the Public Defender's amicus curiae brief by the Court of Appeal, recognition of the norms disputed by the Public Defender as unconstitutional and void by the Constitutional Court; Citizens were able to get public information as a result of the Public Defender's recommendation; A private company implemented the Public Defender's recommendation on the elimination of discriminatory practice and launched efforts to change the website parameters.

You will also be able to get information about the civic education activities, meetings with the residents of the regions and heads of the municipalities; success of the Georgian citizens' complaints against Russia filed with the European Court; new employees of the Public Defender's Office; activities carried out by some departments of the Public Defender's Office; statistical data of applications.

See the electronic version of the bulletin

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