
Public Defender Meets Lanchkhuti Residents

Public Defender Ucha Nanuashvili met with residents of Lanchkhuti in Guria region. The main problem of the population in Lanchkhuti is social situation. The meetings revealed that locals do not have information on existing state programmes. Frequently, having no knowledge of relevant information they cannot use services envisaged by the State Health Insurance Programme.

Other acute issues include problems of drinking water and gas supply, and roads in the village of Chanchati of Lanchkhuti municipality. Due to non-existence of the road infrastructure residents experience problems with food provision, cannot transport harvest for sale. Even a medical emergency car cannot access the village of Zemo Chanchati.

In the words of the population, only one social worker is serving entre Lanchkhuti municipality - a fact that further aggravates already difficult social situation. Given the needs of the region, one social worker cannot prevent domestic violence against children in a timely manner. It should be also taken into account that the social worker does not have a work car that creates a problem of access to mountainous villages.

Part of the Lanchkhuti residents expresses protest regarding release from employment. Majority of the local residents believe that their dismissal from the public service was due to their political position.

The Public Defender plans to elaborate a recommendation regarding the region; individual complaints majority of which concern issues of registration of assets and facts of release from employment will be also considered.

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