
Proposal to Chief Prosecutor About Alleged Ill-treatment of Minors by Police

On February 10, 2016, the Public Defender of Georgia addressed the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia with a proposal to launch investigation in conjunction with alleged ill-treatment of and other violations effected by law enforcement officers towards minors.

For studying the matter, the Public Defender’s authorized representative obtained an explanation from minors -- T.G. and L.G., and also solicited information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Terjola Police Main Department.

According to minor T.G., on December 15, 2015, at about 10:00 pm he was at the Terjola bus station together with his friends; police employees came up to them, placed into a vehicle and took to Terjola Police Main Department. On the way, police officers were forcing them to admit the facts of lifting shops, assuring that they had been recorded by video cameras in the process of commissioning crime. They were also asking them as to who was using narcotic substances in their villages. They were threatening to put them in jail where they would be raped.

According to L.G., he was taken into the police building on December 15, 2015, at about 10:00 pm, and was released on December 16, at 6:00 am. For eight hours, their telephones were taken away from them and were not allowed to call their family members. L.G. mentioned that he was taken into one of the offices, where he was subjected to verbal and physical abuse, they took off his clothes, were forcing to admit shoplifting.

It should be noted that these are minors aged 13 and 14 years, and the state has special obligation for their protection and due treatment.

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