Meeting with Iraqi and Syrian Refugees in Public Defender's Office
On 26 September, 2016, representatives of the Tolerance Center of the Public Defender and members of Councils of National Minorities and Religions of the Public Defender met with refugees from Ukraine, Iraq and Syria.
The meeting was initiated within the framework of the UNHCR-funded project of the United Nations Association of Georgia - "Protection, Integration and Strengthening of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Persons with Humanitarian Status in Georgia”.
Integration center - Open House is functioning within the framework of the mentioned program, where the beneficiaries, refugees, people with humanitarian status and asylum seekers are able to learn the Georgian and English languages free of charge; cultural events, discussions and meetings are organized; informational meetings are held on health and legal issues with representatives of state agencies; in addition, Arab women and youth clubs operate under the program.
Beneficiaries of this center, Program Manager Maka Chichua and other workers of the program visited the Public Defender's Office on September 26. They were interested in the efforts of the Public Defender and the Tolerance Center in the field of the rights of national and religious minorities.
Representatives of the Tolerance Center, Bella Osipova and Mariam Ghavtadze, talked about the activities of the Public Defender’s Office and the Tolerance Center. Representatives of the Councils of Religions and National Minorities spoke about the activities of the councils and their membership principles. The guests reviewed the problems encountered by refugees, people with humanitarian status and asylum seekers in Georgia, be it the delayed process of granting the status, unjustified refusal, minimal financial assistance, etc.