
Public Defender's Authorized Representatives Visit Detainees in Tbilisi, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Poti

On January 12-13, 2025, Public Defender's representatives additionally visited 16 detainees in Tbilisi, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Poti. Four of them indicate alleged use of excessive force and ill-treatment by the police.

In each case, the Public Defender's Office applied to the Special Investigation Service for further legal response. The Public Defender will monitor the investigation.

A number of detainees indicate that they were detained without grounds and that they were not informed of their rights guaranteed by legislation. They also indicate verbal abuse by the police. One of the detainees went on a hunger strike to protest the groundless detention.

It should also be noted that, unfortunately, during the night, there was a case when the Public Defender's representative was not allowed to enter one of the buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to immediately visit the detainees. Accordingly, we call on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure that the Public Defender's representatives do not encounter obstacles in the process of visiting the detainees.

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