
Femicide Monitoring Report 2018

The present document is a special report of the Public Defender of Georgia developed under the Femicide Monitoring Mechanism. The crimes analyzed in the report are committed in 2018.

The Public Defender of Georgia, based on a specially developed methodology, has been monitoring femicide cases since 2016. The purpose of the monitoring is to analyze each case of gender related murder, attempted murder and incitement to suicide, in order to identify the shortcomings of the mechanism for protection of victims of violence, to further refine and develop these mechanisms.

In accordance with the recommendation of the Advisory Board set up under the Femicide Monitoring Mechanism, the Public Defender monitored the cases of 2014-2018, with the aim of assessing the dynamics of the administration of justice and statistics, measuring the progress made and identifying existing gaps. However, taking into account the recent trends, we considered it necessary to issue a separate report for 2018 year.

We express our hope that the presented findings and recommendations will be taken into account in the planning and implementation of the state policy against femicide.

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