
Meeting with Representatives of Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (HREIT)

On July 18, 2024, Deputy Public Defender of Georgia Irine Chikhladze and employees of the Public Defender’s Office, Ana Kvatchadze, Mariam Moseshvili, Mariam Tavdgiridze and Nino Berishvili, held an information meeting with representatives of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (HREIT).

The purpose of the working meeting was to exchange information about measures implemented in the direction of ensuring equality and eliminating discrimination. The parties introduced to each other the mandates of their institutions, case study methodology and practice. At the end of the meeting, they agreed to continue business relationship.

Cooperation with international and counterpart organizations on issues of discrimination is an important component for the activities of the Public Defender’s Office, and in this regard, relevant measures will be actively continued in the future.

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