Public Defender's Representative Visits VivaMedi Clinic to Meet Injured Prisoner
On August 26, 2024, a representative of the Public Defender visited the VivaMedi clinic to verify the media reports about the origin of injuries sustained by an accused person, N.B., at Establishment No. 2 and to check his health state.
The representative of the Public Defender could not talk to the accused due to his health condition. He met and spoke with the doctor, however, considering the absence of the prisoner's consent, the Office will not disclose personal information. The representative of the Public Defender also met the family members of the prisoner.
In addition, the Public Defender’s representative visited Penitentiary Establishment No. 2, where he checked the medical documentation and talked with the prisoner’s cellmates and the administration of the institution in order to get additional information about the incident. He also inspected the prisoner’s cell. It should be noted that surveillance video cameras are installed in the cell.
As far as the Public Defender's Office is informed, an investigation has been launched. In order to obtain information about the progress of the investigation, the Office will apply to the investigative agency.