
Statement of Public Defender’s Office on Blogger and Journalist Ucha Abashidze’s Arrest

The Public Defender’s Office is monitoring the ongoing developments relating to the blogger and military journalist Ucha Abashidze, the several-hour search of his house and his subsequent arrest.

At this stage, a Public Defender's representative is going to the Tbilisi temporary detention center to meet the detainee. In addition, the Office calls on the investigative agency to immediately give Ucha Abashidze’s lawyers the opportunity to meet with the person under their defence.

We will provide the public with complete information about the response of the Public Defender's Office regarding the ongoing events.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the Public Defender is not present in Georgia, although his representatives have been establishing the location of the detainees throughout the day and meeting with the detained persons to get information about their physical state and detention conditions.

The Office works 24 hours a day and the entire team is mobilized so that no violation of rights remains without a response.

We remind you that the hotline of the Public Defender's Office - 14 81 - works 24 hours a day to receive messages about rights violations.

Woking Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00–18:00
Hot line: 1481 (24/7)