Special Reports

Analysis of Femicide and Attempted Femicide Cases - 2022

The present special report was developed by the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia within the framework of the femicide monitoring mechanism. The report analyzes femicide/attempted femicide cases that occurred in 2022. It also analyzes acquittals in the cases of alleged femicide attempts. As a result, it can be seen that along with the progress achieved, a number of challenges remain in terms of the proper administration of justice.

The monitoring made it clear that the rate of identifying the gender sign in femicide and attempted femicide cases has increased, however, in some cases, both at the investigation and trial stages, it remained problematic to identify cases as gender-motivated crimes. Risk assessment at the trial stage also remained a challenge, which failed to prevent the extreme form of violence, femicide.

A special problem in 2022 was that victimized women refused to testify against their family members, even in cases of extreme forms of violence committed against them. This once again clearly demonstrates the need to prioritize the involvement of the witness and victim coordinator in the attempted femicide cases and the need for appropriate psycho-emotional support for female victims.

We hope that the findings and recommendations presented in the report will be taken into account in the process of planning and implementing the state policy against femicide.

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