
Proposal to Regulate Issue of Paternity and Child Care Leave of Absence for Men

The Public Defender of Georgia addressed the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia with a proposal to develop relevant changes to bring the issue of calculation and issuance of benefits and cash allowances for civil servants and other employed for maternity, child care and newborn adoption in line with the Labour Code of Georgia and international agreements, namely, to regulate the issue of realization of the above-mentioned right by men.

The Public Defender’s Office of Georgia is addressed by men who face difficulties in their relations with an employer with regards to realization of the right to child care leave of absence – the right guaranteed by the Article 27 of the Labour Code of Georgia.

Regarding this issue, the Public Defender addressed the Minister of Justice of Georgia to take into consideration the above-mentioned question when working on the second stage of amendments on women’s labour rights and for the group working on amendments to discuss ways for possible resolution.

The decree of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia of August 25, 2006, sets certain restrictions for men to apply for paid child care leave of absence. Namely, according to the decree, documentations to be presented for application for cash allowances accompanying leave of absence are issued only for a woman and only in case of her death to any other member of the family. While, the Organic Law of Georgia - the Labour Law guarantees realization of this right for all those employed irrespective of their sex.

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