
Public Defender’s Statement on International Day of the Girl Child

Today, as we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child, it is important to highlight the limitless potential of each girl and the important role they play in shaping our society. This day is a global platform to support the rights of girls and to assess the progress we have made, but also to highlight the challenges that must be overcome to enable girls to realize their full potential in an environment free from discrimination, violence and inequality.

Due to gender norms and stereotypes existing in Georgia, girls still have to deal with various invisible and visible barriers from an early age. A particular challenge remains the practice of early/child marriage and engagement, which substantially violates the fundamental rights of the child. Due to early/child marriage, girls stop receiving education, which subsequently affects their economic freedom and quality of their life.

It is important to realize the role of girls for the future development of the country. Eliminating discrimination against girls at the early stage guarantees equal opportunities for women in the future. In recent years, young girls have increasingly expressed their willingness to participate in economic, social and political spaces. Investing in the health, well-being and opportunities of adolescent girls will benefit not only the girls, but also their families and the country, so it is important to listen to them and share their vision for the future.

The Public Defender of Georgia once again expresses his support, emphasizes the importance of this day and calls on the state agencies to take effective steps to eliminate gender inequality in the country and to increase the opportunities of girls with their involvement.

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