
Public Defender Met with the Staff on Strike of Tkibuli Mine

On February 25, 2016, Public Defender Ucha Nanuashvili arrived in the town of Tkibuli and met with the miners who went on strike a few days ago, as well as the members of the Mindeli mine administration. The miners demand adequate labour conditions and decent payment. A several-hour-long meeting was held with members of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, members of the strike committee and Ltd "Saqnakhshiri GIG" Company officials. The Public Defender welcomed the fact that the street processes moved to the table of negotiations.

According to Ucha Nanuashvili, the ongoing dispute is a general issue, since the miners demand revision of social policy and improvement of labour rights and labour safety by the state. In this regard, it is welcome that the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs got engaged in the process.

"The miners’ demands are absolutely legitimate. The state has a responsibility to create the kind of standards that will protect the interests of employees. Dozens of people have been killed or injured over the years in mines and at construction sites. However, despite the alarming statistics, the country still does not have a labor inspection - a mechanism that would supervise labour safety and working conditions, and that would allow to eliminate similar cases", - said the Public Defender.

Ucha Nanuashvili also hailed the consideration of the mentioned issue by the tripartite commission of social partnership.

The Public Defender continues to monitor the developments ongoing in Tkibuli.


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