
Public Defender Meets with UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons

On 26 September 2016, the Public Defender of Georgia met with Chaloka Beyani, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons. The Public Defender briefed the Special Rapporteur of the rights situation of refugees and people living in the occupied territories. Eviction procedures and Public Defender’s recommendations, in which he calls on the Government to satisfy the needs of IDPs, were discussed at the meeting.

The Public Defender gave a brief overview of the efforts of the Public Defender's Office in studying the rights situation of conflict-affected population and people living in the conflict zones. He also provided information to the Special Rapporteur about the major problems revealed during examination of the rights situation of IDPs; in particular, privatization of residential spaces, long-term accommodation of IDPs and facilities under particularly difficult conditions. In addition, he introduced him to the novelties in the state policy on IPDs-refugees.

The Public Defender noted that it was very important to improve the law on IDPs and to move to a needs-based approach in order to provide long-term solutions to the IDPs’ problems.

The Public Defender also spoke about the importance of socio-economic integration of IDPs. Ucha Nanuashvili noted that the IDPs, who had already been accommodated, are considered as satisfied with long-term accommodation by the state, though despite this, it is important the state to ensure access to living sources in order to promote socio-economic integration of IDPs.

Despite the positive steps taken for the long-term satisfaction of IDPs, a number of problems remain unresolved, which requires strong efforts and active work from the relevant authorities.

The Public Defender also spoke about the human rights situation of eco-migrants and the major problems in this area. In particular, under the law, eco-migrants are not considered as IDPs and no legislation intended for IDPs applies to them. No status for eco-migrants exists at the legislative level either. The Public Defender stressed the importance of adaptation-integration programs after accomodation of disaster affected and displaced persons in order to protect their rights.


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