
Public Defender Congratulates Jewish People on Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement, Day of Forgiveness – is the most important and sacred Jewish holiday, the main purpose of which is to analyze the past year and repent sins. Every autumn, on the tenth day from Rosh Hashanah, all Jews stop all kinds of activities and keep a fast. The 25-hour fasting begins at sundown and lasts till the following evening. In 2016 Yom Kippur began on October 11 and will last until the evening of October 12.

Worship starts in synagogues half an hour before the sunset. Devout Jews prefer to stay in the synagogues all night long in order to repent their sins and ask for forgiveness from God.

The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates the Jewish people on this great holiday and wishes them courage and prosperity.

Woking Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00–18:00
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