Doctor Employed at Public Defender's Office Visits Mzia Amaglobeli
On January 31, 2025, representatives of the Public Defender, including a doctor, once again (for the eighth time) visited journalist Mzia Amaglobeli, who is on a hunger strike in Penitentiary Establishment No. 5
The doctor spoke with Mzia Amaglobeli, saw her medical documentation, and spoke with the medical staff of the penitentiary institution.
Mzia Amaglobeli's health condition is satisfactory at this stage.
At the same time, it should be noted that she had specific health problems before her arrest and there is a risk of complications due to the hunger strike.
Mzia Amaglobeli is undergoing medical examinations and is under intensive medical supervision.
We would like to inform the public that the Public Defender's Office has received the results of the latest examinations conducted this week, which have already been provided to the lawyer today (in addition to the materials provided yesterday).
In addition, we would like to respond to the questions related to the creation of the council and clarify that neither Mzia Amaglobeli herself, nor her family, nor her legal representatives have made such a request. The Public Defender is considering, within the framework of the mandate granted to him by legislation, the issue of inviting additional specialists, if such a necessity arises.
At this stage, the Public Defender, with the assistance of the doctor employed by the Office, is actively monitoring the provision of medical services to Mzia Amaglobeli by the Penitentiary Service, just like in the process of monitoring the management of hunger strike and other health problems of a number of other prisoners at various times.
At the same time, we would like to emphasize once again that the Public Defender and the Public Defender’s Office did not and do not participate in the treatment of prisoners. Our mandate is to monitor the provision of medical services to prisoners, which is related to the right to health care of the accused and convicted persons.
At the same time, the Public Defender also publicly states that if, based on the medical materials that the Public Defender’s Office periodically transfers to the defence, the need for additional examinations or other medical services is raised, the Public Defender’s Office will take additional action within the scope of its competence.
The Public Defender’s Office will intensively continue to request documents on the medical services provided to Mzia Amaglobeli from the Special Penitentiary Service and will periodically visit the journalist, and we will inform the public about the results, within the framework of the protection of special categories of personal data.