
Meeting with Representatives of Armenia's Human Rights Office and UNHCR

On 24-25 November, 2016, the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia hosted representatives of the Human Rights Office of Armenia and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Armenia. Deputy Public Defender Natia Katsitadze and the heads of structural units briefed the guests of the activities and the mandate of the Public Defender's Office of Georgia, as well as the rights situation of IDPs and conflict-affected people, and the joint project of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Public Defender of Georgia relating to the issues of asylum seekers and refugees.

During the visit, the Armenian delegation visited the Center for Asylum Seekers, the Temporary Accommodation Center of the Migration Department and the Public Service Development Agency. The guests expressed particular interest towards the Public Defender’s activities in terms of protection of the rights of refugees, in particular, the project "Support to the Public Defender’s Office in Surveying the Situation of Refugees, Persons with Humanitarian Status and Asylum Seekers”, and expressed their hopes for close cooperation in the future.

The meeting was organized by the UNHCR Regional Office in the South Caucasus and was aimed at sharing the best practice and experience of the Public Defender of Georgia in the field of protection of human rights.

სომხეთის ადამიანის უფლებათა დაცვის აპარატისა და გაეროს ლტოლვილთა უმაღლესი კომისარიატის წარმომადგენლებთან შეხვედრა ლტოლვილთა, დევილთა და კონფლიქტით დაზარალებულთა საკითხებზე 24.11.16

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