
Bulletin, Periodic Edition – May, 2015

The Public Defender presented the bulletin for May to the public. The bulletin reflects work conducted on the course of the entire month, changes existing in the country with regards to human rights and freedoms, including legislative ones, attitude of government agencies and organizations toward recommendations in the Public Defender Parliamentary Report for 2014. You will see information about official meetings of the Public Defender aiming at searching for ways for improvement of the situation with regards to protection of human rights in the country.

Yet another, now already traditional debate is one of the main topics of the bulletin. The May debate was dedicated to discussion of the Public Defender Parliamentary Report. It was the first time that the President of Georgia participated in the debate and in his speech, he especially emphasized contribution of the Public Defender‘s Office in the cause of protection of human rights and spoke about relevance of enhancement of the Ombudsman mandate.

The bulletin will provide you with information on the Public Defender recommendation on necessity of establishment of Labour Inspection; here the Ombudsman evaluates significance and objective of International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia – denouncement of violence and expressing solidarity towards LGBT persons. It is noted that on May 26, on the Day of Independence of Georgia, necessity of building highly-developed, and free of stigmas and violence society and challenges existing in this direction, are more clearly apparent.

In the month of May, by signing of the memorandum between the Ombudsmen of Georgia and Israel cooperation between institutions of these two countries working on the protection of human rights was reaffirmed. You will learn about meetings of the Public Defender with representatives of the Georgian authorities, international organizations or the public. You will get information on activities of various departments and staff members of the Public Defender‘s Office. You will also become acquainted with addresses of the Public Defender towards government agencies and self-governing bodies, conferences, reports and all those important activities that are conducted on a daily basis by the Public Defender of Georgia and representatives of the Public Defender‘s Office.

Please see an electronic version of the Bulletin

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