
Ministry of Education and Science Approves Public Defender's Proposal on Children's Rights Education

The Public Defender of Georgia studied and evaluated the framework document on professional educational programme for teachers of preschool institutions. It was revealed that no education of human rights, children's rights or democratic citizenship is introduced in the programme.

The Public Defender of Georgia applied to the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia with a proposal to integrate the children’s rights module into the framework document.

Based on the review of the standards and best practices of the Council of Europe, the Council of the European Union and the United Nations, the Public Defender of Georgia considered it important to integrate the mandatory children's rights education module into the educational programme for preschool teachers, as well as to provide continuous training for teachers involved in the implementation of human rights programmes.

We welcome the position of the Ministry of Education and Science and the VocationalSkills Agency that they presented in response to the proposal, which provides for the integration of the mandatory children’s rights module into the professional educational programme for teachers. After the implementation of changes, educational measures will be planned to support teachers involved in education.

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